05 April 2009


Slowly, as the Light begins to return, I feel Spring commence Her Journey from far, distant places towards our wintry home...

I am happy to say it has been warm enough to go out with a sweater rather than a jacket!

We've finally gotten around to splitting the last of the woodpile...whew!

The dogs are elated by the warmer weather as well, though they still love a good romp in the snow:

More snow-sculpture:

We've been spending some time getting to know the Forest Family that surrounds our home with love, protection and joy...and provides the kids with a built-in playground!

Spider-dove was enchanted by this space, which she dubbed 'The Beautiful Birch Bridge':

Talk about enchanting...We came upon this Grandmother, who was surrounded by a perfect circle of her 'grandchildren', and we just felt so humbled and blessed to be in her Presence:

little*bear on his 'boat':

Spider-dove wanted to hunt for highbush cranberries, which are a bright and yummy treat while out on the winter trails, but she noticed that there weren't many...until I remembered we had harvested this area in the fall, and forgotten all about them (Doh!)

And so, after we headed back inside, the kids were delighted to share a big tub of these beauties:

Spider-dove couldn't resist topping off her already piled-high bowl:
