05 April 2009

Life-Learning is allWrite!

Consensual Living, a principle many unschoolers/life-learners live by, has gotten some press in the Canadian news lately. I will expound upon that more in a forthcoming post, but I just want to point out that unschoolers *can* and *do* learn to do things that some may believe can only be taught by a teacher in school or through the use of a curriculum. Just check out Spider-dove, looking quite 'studious' as she shows off her math-spanish-writing skills...or shall we just call them 'life-skills'!?!


1 comment:

Mel said...

So wonderful!!! Her and L could be in friendly competition for the most artistically horizonal #9. L loves making nines...we have pages and pages of side lying nines! Kissing the earth perhaps?! She thinks they look like faces of people with long hair.

We talked about writing our french numbers one day after we had written out our english ones similar to what you have done...she brought a chuckle to my suggestion when she told me that "numbers look the same in french and english silly"!

~in joy