08 April 2009

Gifts from afar

The kids recently received a package from Grandpa M., which is always an exciting and oftentimes interesting experience...ya just never know what kinds of surprises he'll come up with!
This time it was dragons for little*bear:

(little*bear had *literally* been hoping and saving up money for a two-headed dragon, and lo and behold, Gramps sent the exact one he wanted...what a guy!)
...and oil pastels for Spider-dove, who said she had been hoping for her own set "for so many years...well, as many as [she's] been alive for, anyway":

Spider-dove knows that oil pastels are one of my favorite mediums to work with, so she offered to share her new colors with me. I was feelin' the Spring Sun shine upon me through the window, so I thought I'd create something to honor the Return of the Light to place on our Spring altar:

with love...

1 comment:

mel said...

Dragons and oil pastels...two of MY favourite things to play with too!!!
