23 March 2009

Art (is) Expo(nentially) (FUN!)

So we had a spontaneous adventure to the Art Expo today! I'm so happy I looked at the events calendar for the winter carnival!

The Parka Parade, an annual event that has been a part of the Winter Carnival since 1937:

little*bear and Spider-dove watching the potters:

...and doing a little of their own creating with clay:

Spin-Art...a big hit:

Our colorful creations...yup, I played, too!

little*bear sat 'still as a stone' as he was transformed into...


Cool, huh?

Weavers and spinners, stained-glass makers, beaders, seamstresses, musicians, sculptors, actors, painters, photographers, jewelry-makers, opera singers, poets...what an inspiring experience!

1 comment:

mel said...

Ooooh, that sounds (and looks) like SO much fun!!! Hooray for ART!!! :)