06 October 2013

All Clear!

Whew!  After a month of being sequestered (for the most part), the Wild Roots Family is finally free to roam again!  We started with some randome respiratory infection (well, Panther and I did), then Panther got the pox, then, just when we thought Dove might be immune because she didn't get them closer to when Panther did, Dove got the pox. 

Phhheeeeew! We couldn't connect to the internet for the last week or so, which actually ended up being such a good thing - we did much creating and reading good books while we were hunkered down in the sick bay.

But alas, here we are again, re-emerging with Mother Nature's wonderful gift of immunity!

Dove got the "all clear" as she referred to it yesterday.  Unfortunately, we spent most of our time out at the cell phone store replacing the cell phone that I broke, and the kids were really bummed out (do people still use that phrase?  I do!) that we ended up being there for so long (until it was well after dinner time and too late to do any of the other fun stuff we had planned!) on our first day out as a fmaily.  So after BuffaloHeart got off work, we celebrated with ice cream from Hotlicks and a family movie night.  We watched Labrynth.  So glad I can share cult classics from my own childhood that include 1980's Davie Bowie with my kids...they loved it!

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