As I was looking for my old sewing book to give to Dove, who is really getting into sewing with the machine BuffaloHeart gifted us last midwinter, I came across some magnetic poetry SunDaughter had given to me years ago. The kids and I had so much fun making poems! The poems certainly provided a window into their souls:
This one, from Panther...who else?
So Panther says to me, "mama, look! It's you!" and points to one he made:

Yep, that's right. My son thinks I am a hero. Love it!
My creation:
And I save the most poignant for last, the sage advice of my eleven-year-old:
I couldn't fit the first word in the picture...It was "Center". What I love most about this was that the first three words were already a part of the set, but she used the blank ones to write in the last four words this is what came from her inherently.
I will never forget those nine years ago, when, at the age of two, clad in nothing but her BirthDay suit, with a sassy flick of her toddler-hair she laid down luxuriously and very non-chalantly yet confidently declared "I am on a Wise Woman path."
I agree.
take the path that feels right <3
swung over to check out your blog — your family is beautiful! and i love your hair! :D
Thanks Lori! Looking forward to buying the book and incorporating your wonderful and inspiring ideas!
Love seeing all the new going-on-ings in the roots family. <3. Nooo don't kill yourself with icky oven cleaner, Paste of baking soda and vinegar and let sit over night then loosen with hot water and metal scrubby and voila! Yay for the pox and bubbles. Much love to your family from mine.
Yep, Andrya...that's exactly what I did. Though I like the idea of letting sit overnight...probably wouldn't have needed quite so much elbow grease! Kisses! xoxo
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