20 March 2009

A Ripple of Happiness

There is a man who stands on the corner near the grocery store with a sign. The kids often ask what the sign says, but as I cannot read *and* drive (well...safely, that is), I don't know all that it says. But each time we go to the grocery store, conversations about homelessness, poverty, gratitude, etc., always abound.

Today, As we passed by him, Spider-dove commented that she was sad that he did not have a home, and that he must get cold standing out there all day long. little*bear thought that he might be hungry as well. So, the kids had just received their weekly 'allowance', and decided that they would like to buy him lunch.

So, we went into the store, and Spider-dove picked out the 'juiciest, shiniest, bestest looking apple' she could find, little*bear picked out a sandwhich that looked particularly 'yummy', and I picked out a cup of hot coffee.

As we were heading out, Spider-dove noticed that he had come inside and was in the hallway that leads to the restrooms. She pointed him out to me, and asked if I would take the lunch to him. So I went up to him, told him that the kids thought he may be cold and hungry, so we had bought him lunch. His response was the following:

"You are so beautiful. Your kids are beautiful. Thank you so much. And God Bless You!!!!!"

The kids heard this response, and immediately their faces lit up.

As we drove away, the kids just radiated JOY! They talked about how happy they were that they did something to bring so much happiness to the man. I told them that their action of buying him lunch was like tossing a pebble into a pond, and the happiness that he felt, and that they were feeling, and that I felt (because of their joy) were like ripples on a pond, emanating outward, and touching life in all directions.

We had had the 'ripple' conversation before, but because they genuinely felt, in their hearts, that ripple, I could see the connections they were able to make about how the actions we choose affect so much more than just ourselves.

It was such a joy to be with the kids during this moment, to witness the compassion and generosity that grows within them, and experience the joy they felt as they chose to share what resides in their hearts.

And blessings to all of you, as well...


mel said...

What a beautiful story - thank you SO much for sharing it.

Those connections are pure magic....


Harvest Moon Farm said...

This was absolutely beautiful, and brought tears to my eyes.