There *is* something that breaks up the monotony of cold, wintry day after cold, wintry day, after cold wintry day, after....
And that is the...
Experiencing life in a world of ice is exhilerating and fun and risky and different and extreme...
(I always chuckle each time I see this sign...I guess perhaps some people just need a gentle reminder that it's slippery inside the ice park ;)
It is filled with distortion and clarity and chaos and stillness and excitement and danger and just plain fun.
And it is totally unique to where we live, and is something we look forward to ALL YEAR LONG!
Because the sculptures and slides are holding up so well, it will be open for another week, and, well...we couldn't be more tickled.
I am always so blown away by artists like:
who travel from places such as:
sketch something like:
and turn it into:
Here are a few sculptures that the kids and I particularly enJOYed:
(This brought images of the centaurs from 'Fantasia' to the kids' minds)
Here is a detail from the above sculpture that I thought was really interesting:
little*bear dug the croc:
and of course, what kid could resist a snow machine made of ice?
little*bear calls this 'kid noodles in an ice bowl':
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