Even though it's been 7 months since we've moved in here, it's taking a long time to really figure out where things go. The bedroom is definitely unfinished in that regard.
Anyways, so I called my friend SunDaughter, wailing and moaning, about the mess and how stressed out I felt and how I just couldn't come to her house (even though what the kids really needed was to play with their friends) because *I* needed to clean the bedroom. I cannot relate through the computer how completely irrational I had become.
SunDaughter felt my pain. She empathized, she validated. She was just *there* for me. Then she said "Okay, I want you to hang up the phone with me, grab your camera, get down to 'kid height', crawl around, and take 10 pictures of the beauty you find there."
With a deep sigh, I said okay, and reluctantly picked up the camera.
Here is what I found....
A basket filled with various newspaper clippings, cut-outs, projects, etc.:
Looks like our dollies like to snuggle just as much as we do!
Definitely the *most* beautiful part of the mess:
Some of little*bear's favorites:
A ball that Spider-dove felted:
Dress-ups (the chain belonged to their Mimi, and I love how they get to connect with her through playing with her jewelry):
If I had not been crawling around at kid-height, I wouldn't have felt the warmth of the Sun shine upon my weary face and light up my day:
At kid-height, I was able to find this Lady of the Wood:
As I crawled around on my belly, the kids jumped on my back to join me, and see things through my eyes as I saw things through their eyes...I love how circles are so much a part of our lives:
Sacred objects:
And finally, as I stood back up to my regular height, I happened to glance out the window just in time to receive this beautiful message of love from the Universe...
*sigh* Thank you for that...I'm currently at the 'feeling overwhelmed with the mess' phase..it's also my waning moon time which has a LOT to do with it. I *know* this, yet am still unable to *do* anything about it. Perhaps a cup of tea....:)
~love to you and your beauties~ xo
*grin* it was my waning time too, mel...so i 'feel' ya! perhaps before you have that cup of tea *you* could find the beauty of *your* mess and post it on *your* blog too!?! Eh? What'd'ya say?
~*~sending you many deep breaths and rays of light~*~
That last photo is amazing...simply touching that you were able to capture that and share it with those of us whose eyes sometimes don't take the time to really *see*.
Thank you.
~in love and joy...
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