21 March 2009

*Beautiful* CHAOS

Sometime last week, I freaked out over the mess in the bedroom. (We all share a room). It was trashed. (It still is!) Toys everywhere, clothes scattered - clean ones, dirty ones, ones whose clean status was indecipherable. EVERYthing was EVERYwhere. I could not see a path from one side of the room to the other, I did not want to wade through it, it was just complete chaos.

Even though it's been 7 months since we've moved in here, it's taking a long time to really figure out where things go. The bedroom is definitely unfinished in that regard.

Anyways, so I called my friend SunDaughter, wailing and moaning, about the mess and how stressed out I felt and how I just couldn't come to her house (even though what the kids really needed was to play with their friends) because *I* needed to clean the bedroom. I cannot relate through the computer how completely irrational I had become.

SunDaughter felt my pain. She empathized, she validated. She was just *there* for me. Then she said "Okay, I want you to hang up the phone with me, grab your camera, get down to 'kid height', crawl around, and take 10 pictures of the beauty you find there."

With a deep sigh, I said okay, and reluctantly picked up the camera.

Here is what I found....

A basket filled with various newspaper clippings, cut-outs, projects, etc.:

Looks like our dollies like to snuggle just as much as we do!

Definitely the *most* beautiful part of the mess:

Some of little*bear's favorites:

A ball that Spider-dove felted:

Dress-ups (the chain belonged to their Mimi, and I love how they get to connect with her through playing with her jewelry):

If I had not been crawling around at kid-height, I wouldn't have felt the warmth of the Sun shine upon my weary face and light up my day:

At kid-height, I was able to find this Lady of the Wood:

As I crawled around on my belly, the kids jumped on my back to join me, and see things through my eyes as I saw things through their eyes...I love how circles are so much a part of our lives:

Sacred objects:

Some of our favorite stories to snuggle up and read together:

The Dragon's Pearl:

And finally, as I stood back up to my regular height, I happened to glance out the window just in time to receive this beautiful message of love from the Universe...



mel said...

*sigh* Thank you for that...I'm currently at the 'feeling overwhelmed with the mess' phase..it's also my waning moon time which has a LOT to do with it. I *know* this, yet am still unable to *do* anything about it. Perhaps a cup of tea....:)

~love to you and your beauties~ xo


*grin* it was my waning time too, mel...so i 'feel' ya! perhaps before you have that cup of tea *you* could find the beauty of *your* mess and post it on *your* blog too!?! Eh? What'd'ya say?

~*~sending you many deep breaths and rays of light~*~

Mel said...

That last photo is amazing...simply touching that you were able to capture that and share it with those of us whose eyes sometimes don't take the time to really *see*.
Thank you.
~in love and joy...