Unschooling (the radical sort) gets a lot of bad press. I can't tell you how many blogs and websites I've come across that just *bash* the parents of unschooling families. I think the first reason why is because the term 'unschooling' is defined by different people in different ways. So perhaps there is confusion as to what it actually entails. If you want to know what unschooling means to us, just stay tuned...because it's happening all the time! But if you want something a little more concrete, click here
I think when people hear 'trusting children to learn what they need to learn' and 'children following their interests', their imaginations immediately get to work and what is pictured are kids being left to their own devices to just figure things out, all the time. An image of children just running amuck with no consideration of others might come to mind. Or, perhaps it's the other extreme, and people imagine kids being totally dependent upon their parents to do everything *for* them, with no space to learn how to work through conflicts and challenges on their own.
I don't want to turn this into a big 'soapbox' moment, because that's not what I want to express here. I *could* write a LOT more on this subject, but I think I'd rather put my energy into other things rather than validating or justifying our path or our choices.
What I really want to say is the following:
When I happen to come across the negative comments about unschooling, I sometimes start to doubt myself. I wonder if my kids are missing out on something, or not getting what they need, or are being damaged in some way.
And then I get off of the computer, out of my head, and into my heart. I tune in with my children, with my instincts, with the Source, and I experience first-hand all of the joys, the challenges, the conflicts, the excitement, the learning, the growth...I remind myself that this path wasn't the one I originally set out on. I was headed in a completely different direction.
The one thing *I* did that could be construed as my choice to venture this way, was the choice to really listen to, honor, trust and respect my children. To remember that their choices may not be in line with my own, and that if I wanted to remain connected with them and with my heart, then re-aligning was something I would need to do. It was the choice to really consider their opinions, needs, sensitivities, desires, and to place a value on them as I would my own, or those of any adult, letting go of the notion that I *had* to have some sort of control or authority over them in order to be a good parent. I chose to let go of the ego that, in my experience, seems to go hand-in-hand with being the 'authority'. (Boy, has that been a challenge for me. It still continues to be!)
These past few days have just been so full of love and joy and learning and sharing...I just *have* to share with whoever might read this. Because I know that as true happiness is bursting out of my heart as I write these words and see these pictures of my family, it radiates out, hopefully bringing these same wonderful feelings I am having to more people.
I'm not typically a 'bubbly' kind of gal, but I must admit, I am feeling a little effervescent today...even though I was awoken several times during the night, and at 4:00 in the morning...
So last night, after Spider-dove spent the night at Orca-boy's house, Orca-boy spent the night at our house! He and his little bro little*bird played with us all afternoon...
First, a round of chess followed by a game of goblet...
Next, the theatrical version of the two little pigs and the big, bad wolves. Here are the wolves blowing the house down...
The house was made of brick, so they had to slide down the chimney...
Here are the wolves burning their bums in the fireplace...
After the dramatic performance, we devised a treasure hunt...here little*bird, Spider-dove and Orca-boy 'hide' their eyes while little*bear hides the treasure...
hunting for treasure...
Next, Orca-boy and little*bear wanted to make a ramp to race and crash cars...
During all the play, I made a dee-LISH-ous gluten-free baked macaroni and cheese
After dinner, little*bird went home with his mama, and more and more adventures happened with the three remaining kids. Then we read stories, and the kids curled up in bed and dozed off while listening to the Hobbit audioplay.
Then...I was awoken at 4:00 a.m., and we just took it from there...lots of reading, wrestling, basketball, and some yummy banana-cranberry oatmeal to sustain our energy. And to think I almost said I was too tired to do a sleep-over. I am *so* glad I said yes! (You can say 'I told you so' Boreal SunDaughter!)
Seeing these kids use their imaginations all day long to make up games, build towers and castles, work through conflicts, teach and learn from each other, was all the validation I needed to feel confident that we are on the path that is right for us.
~I am grateful.~
What a wonderful day (and night) you had!! Thanks so much for sharing it....hearing these stories helps to bolster the not-so-great 'doubting' days...:) *brightest blessings* xoxo
PS. My word verification is 'relent'!! How's about that?!?!
I can't even begin to tell you how much I am enjoying your posts!
I wanted to send you an email this morning, but can't find your address, I must have lost it when my system crashed last year. Could you please email me at collieherd@cox.net ? I've got a quick question for you.
Much love, my sister!
I began to read your blog post, but I just can't. My eyes start doing crazy things with that black background and the bright text. I will subscribe though, and then I can read in my reader. :D I liked the beginning of the post, though LOLOL
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