31 July 2013

"The sunlight fast is dwindling..." (aka "a procrastinator playing catch-up) [aka "an incredibly long post with tons of pictures]

I have been snapping pictures, but just have not made the time to get them uploaded!  We have been busy being not busy and just enjoying a beautiful and bountiful summer!  Alas, today is the last day of July and I cannot believe it...Soon it will be Dove's Special Day, and that usually marks the beginning of fall...
Yes...fall, that beautiful, vibrant, bitter-sweet time of year that I look forward to and dread all at the same time.  However, no time for dreading what is inevitable...now is the time to soak up every moment of sun-drenched bliss, bask in the rays of my children's loveliness, enjoy breezy, twilight evenings with my man, and give thanks for all we have been given...

Time with Grandpa...



Gifts from Mother Earth...

Strong, healthy bodies...

Expanding minds...


Shiney, new (silver) friends...And (G)old friends, too...



Nourishing Meals...


All things BLUEberry...

Blueberry bugs

Blueberry music

Blueberry huddles

Blueberry naps

Blueberry smiles


Blueberry thieves

Blueberry knees
Blueberry toes




Love of all kinds...


And so much more to come...

Bright & Beautiful Blessings!

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