14 April 2009

Blog Tag


My computer is just not up to the task of uploading photos, which really stinks, because I have a lot piling up that I'd really like to share.


Since I can't do the pics, I can now take the time to deal with this whole 'blog tag' deal. So Mel has tagged me, and apparently I am supposed to 'dazzle you' (her words) with seven things about myself, then 'tag' seven more people to do the same. I don't know what there is about me that might possibly dazzle anyone, but here are some things you may or may not know about me:

1. I am copying this first one from Mel, but only because it is SO true. I am a chocoholic. I am talking obsessive...compulsive...just downright addicted. SunDaughter made me a lovely block of rosepetal-moon-fudge. The thought was that each full moon, I would break off a small piece in honor of the full moon and of the life-blood that flows within me. Yeah, well, I ate the whole block in the span of about 10 minutes! If the chocolate comes in the form of ice cream, all the better, for that is my true passion. Add some peanut butter to the mix, and I may as well have died and gone to heaven. Or perhaps you have some chocolate truffles, or chocolate covered strawberries, or chocolate cheesecake...mmm. I'll take any of it, all of it, at any time of day or night, and then I'll probably want more. And if you try to stash some away somewhere in my house, beware, because I have chocolate radar, and I will find it and eat it! Just a couple of hours ago I ate a chocolate bunny that I had planned to put in our family's Eostar basket. (shhh...they'll never know!)

2. I was a competitive gymnast from the age of 6 until I was 18. I once had a friend tell me she couldn't believe I was a gymnast. Perhaps my post-childbirth body/life looks deceiving. I competed for a local YMCA as the schools I attended did not have teams. I had an unhealthy fear of the vaulting horse, which was typically my down-fall as I usually scored high on the other 3 events, but would end up not placing in the all-around because I scratched on the vault. I suppose there's just something about running as fast as I can, jumping off of a springboard and hurling my body face-first over a big 'horse', twisting in mid-air and not knowing which way was up or where my feet would land was not my idea of a good time. I think my fear started after I smashed my face into the horse. Traumatized for life, I was. My favorite apparatus was the floor exercise, mostly because dancing was also a passion of mine. I still love to dance, and secretly long to take modern dance classes again someday. Spider-dove, little*bear and I often dance together in the evenings before bedtime. Sometimes we dance to 'The Nutcracker', and other times we spin poi to Loreena McKennitt.

3. I have read the 'Sevenwaters Trilogy' (which now includes a fourth book, so I guess that makes it a quadrology?!?) by Juliet Marillier more times than I can count. And I will read them again someday...and again and again. I am just so sure those books are the stories of my ancestors. I am completely obsessed with the second book in the series, 'Son of the Shadows', and am convinced that I could possbily be Liadan re-incarnated, and that M. must have been Bran, and here we are, together again. I usually read the series in the beginning of winter, and my family gets annoyed with me because I will take a whole day or two to read each book, which means everyone is left to fend for themselves (aside from the bare essentials) while I escape to far away times and places.

4. M. and I met at a Bluegrass festival shortly after he arrived in Alaska (I had been here for two years). I had a boyfriend at the time, but there was something between us that first moment we met eyes. Shortly after that I broke up with the boyfriend, and one day a couple months later I picked M. up hitchiking, took him to the laundromat to shower (neither of us had running water back then), had dinner at a local diner, went out to the hotsprings, and then he slept at my cabin and never left! One month later we were engaged, and two months later we were pregnant with Spider-dove. Our whole partnership has been a whirlwind one, with many twists and turns, lots of love and all sorts of stuff to work through. Our bond is strong, and we weather all the storms we are confronted with together, even when the winds of change are abrupt and the rains that fall are cold and harsh. And that makes our bond all the stronger.

5. I am a procrastinator extraordinaire, although I recently came across an article about Lenoardo da Vinci (which is quite serendipitous as I have just finished reading 'The da Vinci Code') about why procrastination is not quite so bad after all...you can read it here.

6. I am a Birth Doula, and am what some may call a 'birth junkie'. I love all things pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and baby. I am an advocate for the midwifery model of care and of waterbirth. Both of my babes were born in water with the loving support of midwives, and it was challenging and beautiful and excruciating and glorious and I encourage all women to trust in their bodies, their babies, and in the process of birth itself. It is so worth it.

7. I love Trees. I. Love. Trees. I connect and communicate with Trees in ways I can't with humans or any other beings. My Tree Grandomothers and Grandfathers, brothers and sisters, watch over me, protect me, guide me and give me love and strength. They are beautiful and powerful medicine in my life, bring me such peace and joy, and are an important part of my magic. I often will chant and dance with the trees, especially in the summer. I am TreeWoman.

Well...there you have it. I now tag SunDaughter, EiNaLeM, (the only other bloggers I know in real life), and Anna Kiss since she is a regular on my blog. I don't know any other bloggers, so that will have to do!



Mel said...

You have to see this video...it will totally reaffirm your fear of vaulting!

thanks for the "tag" sister!

mel said...

I am so glad to get to *know* you more....:) I'm with you on the vault thing..I almost dislocated my shoulder once on one of those wretched things...I'm too SHORT to be doing things like that!

PS. I tagged you again...this time, no obligations or anything!! It's on my Creative Clutter blog...hopefully you won't have trouble with the picture thingy...:)
